
A game devloped in 2 weeks for the 

Cosmic Horrors Jam

Implore The Void is a card drafting/engine building game using AI generated card artwork and randomly generated names/card effect combinations. The goal is to receive the favor of one of 3 Old Ones. This favor is gained and lost by playing cards from your deck, in addition to natural decay between rounds. Once the favor “meter” of any one of the deities is filled, the game ends in a victory. Should any one of the Old Ones’ favor get too low, the game ends in defeat. Cards are purchased via spending “Sanity”, a resource that resets every turn to a base value. The more Sanity spent on cards per turn, the more negative effects can take place on the current or future turns. These effects can dramatically change player strategy or even the user interface itself.

How To Play

Implore The Void is a card drafting game. You play in a series of turns where you Channel (Play) cards from your deck to gain favor with one of three Old Ones.

Cthulhu, Hastur, Dagon

Attune (Acquire) new cards to your deck by spending Sanity points, but be warned of the consequences of Madness.

Each turn you start by drawing 5 cards from your deck, a refreshed Attune (Draft) Pool, and your Sanity set to +2. Depending on your chosen difficulty you also lose 1 Favor with each Old One.

Your goal is to gain 10 Favor with any of the three Old Ones, while avoiding -10 Favor with any one of them. Favor is gained and lost via cards you Channel (Play):

Channel cards from your hand by dragging them to the Eldritch Tome. You may also double-click the cards to inspect them and choose “Channel” to play the card. Effects of the cards you Channel trigger immediately. All the cards in your hand must be played. Once your hand is empty the turn ends and a new turn begins.

Attune to new cards from your Eldritch Tome by clicking and dragging the cards to the Channel area of the tome. You may also double click the cards and select AttuneChannel from the inspect menu. Newly Attuned cards are added to your discard pile and eventually shuffle back into your deck when the deck is empty.

Cards are Attuned (Drafted) in exchange for Sanity. 

You may spend as much Sanity per turn as you choose, but know there are consequences to losing your sanityMadness. The more Sanity you spend, the deeper into madness you fall and the more harsh the consequences. The divided areas of your Sanity bar are thresholds of the next level of Madness effects you can receive. 

When Madness occurs, a notification will appear at the top of the screen to inform you of the Madness effect taking place.

Madness effects are random and depend on your sanity. Madness effects include but are not limited to drawing fewer cards, having random cards in your hand banished from the game, or even gaining Madness cards.

Madness cards are randomly added to the top of your deck when your sanity is low. These are specifically negative cards which will hinder your ability to gain Favor.

Avoid these cards and Attune (Draft) new cards to your deck to help you counter their damaging effects.


Version 0.9.6

  • Improved UI responsiveness to different screen sizes.
  • Added Android Build.
  • Added smaller builds for Windows and Android. Both have 1/3 of the card count to save on storage space.
  • Gave "Great Old Ones" cards a different look so they stand out more.


Art, Programming by Alex Lazea

Design, Testing by Cory Sowick

Music, Sound by Peleg Bahat

Special Thanks

IllusionJETM by JosefinaTol

Sidhe by Furdzville

TMP Hyperlink Support by Nicolas Form

All card images are AI generated by Stable Diffusion


ImploreTheVoid Build 0.9.6.zip 101 MB
ImploreTheVoid Small Build 0.9.6.zip 77 MB
ImploreTheVoid_Small.apk 212 MB


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Hi pop, the atmosphere is pretty good !
Maybe you can have the gauge starting at 10 and going from 0 to 20 (instead of -10 to 10 which is less clear imo). Maybe you can allow the player to play cards (from they hand) by right-clicking on it (to gain time). There is a lot of luck (with my 3 games experience), what if players can only play X cards ? (X could be 3, or hand size minus 1)